Healing brush- The healing brush is one of my favorites to work with. This is because its ability to sense its surroundings and apply an edit that looks natural. This brush does not work very well if you only have a small ares to work with when selecting a reference point. 
Spot Healing Brush Tool- This brush is my favorite to work with over the healing brush tool. This only applies when editing out small blemishes though. hat is because The spot healing brush mainly uses its selected area to make a new image and if you select a large blemish it will just appear like a much blurrier version of that selection. 

Teeth Whitening- I really enjoyed the tools I learned in this tutorial. Although it was useful I found the first step (taking the yellow out of the teeth) A little unnecessary. I found it much easier to make a selection of the the teeth using a lasso tool, copy the selection, paint over it with white at a low opacity and then lower the opacity of the layer. This gave me a much more natural look in a much more productive way. 
Eye Lightening- I had already previously learned how do this tutorial. Because of this it was fairly simple and fast to complete. One struggle I did notice in my picture editing is that I have trouble making the effect look natural but also be noticeable. 
Editing Out Hair- I found this tutorial extremely difficult. It was very hard to follow and included a lot of tedious long work that I struggled perfect. I would much rather keep a bland background than do that again.